Sunday, November 2, 2008

Barack Obama, The Media And Being Negative

Its rather pathetic and disingenuous of the American media--and also of Barack Obama and his campaign when they accuse John McCain and Sarah Palin of being negative--but its not being negative when one is telling the truth--and when one is just saying what Barack Obama stands for! Barack Obama and his campaign don't like the truth because they know most of the American people do not accept what Barack Obama stands for! What is negative in fact is when Barack Obama admittedly does not not respect the U.S. Constitution, when Barack Obama does not respect the Second Amendment, when Barack Obama does not respect human life--and in fact has voted to murder children--even those who are born alive after failed abortions, when Barack Obama wants to tax hard working Americans more for being successful and then give it to those who are lazy and immoral, when Barack Obama wants to wreak everything America stands for and replace it with full blown Marxism, when Barack Obama said in his book, if push comes to shove he would side with the Muslims, when Barack Obama won't even prove his eligibility to be president, when Barack Obama sends goon squads to harass those who disagree with him, When Barack Obama sends teams of Lawyers to dig up dirt on his opponents, e.g. Sarah Palin et alii, when Barack Obama surrounds himself with known and admitted terrorists, when Barack Obama surrounds himself with anti American Marxists, when Barack Obama is blatantly anti Israel, who surrounds himself with anti Israel advisors, when Barack Obama uses Franklin Rains, the failed former chairman of Fannie Mae as an advisor, when Barack Obama openly lies as he often does, when Barack Obama's message changes from group to group telling each what they want to hear just for votes--instead of having the same message for all Americans, when Barack Obama favors the promotion by law of the homosexual lifestyle and agenda, even to small children in school, when Barack Obama wants to eliminate the free choice of parents for the education of their children, when Barack Obama wants to force socialized medicine upon all Americans. Its clear that it is Barack Obama who is the negative one!

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