Sunday, August 23, 2009

Swedish Nazi Islamo Fascism

The ignorant and foolish Swedish people/politicians have allowed Muslim immigrants to flood into their country and now these Muslim Fascists are influencing the media. In an Aftonbladt article “Our [Arab] sons' organs being plundered" by Donald Bostrom (Swedens largest newspaper) August 18 2009, Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt said that Israeli soldiers took the organs of dead Arabs (so called but not Palestians) and sold them. Where do these Nazi lies come from? the Arabs in Israel--and of course the foolish and immoral Carl Bildt took their lies as fact without any corroborating evidence. And make no mistake of it--this is not only one Swedish politician but others and not only of Arabs in Israel influence--but also of the Muslim influence in Sweden. The cultural affairs editor responsible is a woman, Asa Linderborg an anti Israel activist. Ms. Linderborg the anti semite should use her newspaper to build up Sweden--but instead she uses it to destroy Sweden and Israel. Jewish soldiers in Israel have never murdered Arabs and then taken organs from the bodies; this is the sort of thing which regularly occurs in China with Chinese prisoners, perpetrated by the godless Chinese Communists.

1 comment:

Pedro said...

Stop being racist for Christ's sake (see how I got Christ into there :))
But seriously, stop "godless communist" who cares if they are godless or not. Stop always talking in racial and religious terms.
Freedom of speech is complex. Carl Bildt does not believe or disbelieve anything. It's a newspaper article. It does not compete to a democratic government to comment upon it! There are courts which might sue the paper for defamation... but only few governments draw upon themselves the responsibility to condemn journalism, no matter how good or bad it is... and typically it is the more dictatorial pending type of newspapers.
Illegal organ harvesting is a crime that occurs in many countries, including Sweden. Writing about it is NOT anti-semitic at all... a crime is a crime regardless of the perpetrator.
Stop blocking discussion on a racial basis.
There is a war going on that needs rational discussion. being Pro-Palestinian cause and anti-Israel are NOT the same thing!!! The Israeli government is constantly taking discourse to a racial and religious level creating wounds which will take more and more time to heal. And in the meanwhile there is a war which begs a calm discussion and resolution.
Cheers and peace to all.