By 53%-42%, those who are likely to vote in the 2010 election say Barack Obama is 'too liberal.'
They believe by a margin of 53%-40% that he will 'raise my taxes.'
By 55%-42% they say 'he promises things that sound good' but that won't get done.
By a whopping 65%-32%, likely voters call Obama a 'big spender.'
The news for 'Democrats' more generally is no better.
On the economy, likely voters give 'the Democrats' just a 6 point edge (45%-39%) over 'the Republicans.'
Likely voters give the Republicans an 11 point edge (49%-38%) on taxes.
The Republicans have a 13 point lead (47%-34%) on government spending.
Republicans have a 5 point edge (42%-37%) on the budget deficit.
Furthermore, by a margin of 54%-34%, likely voters believe Obama is not keeping his promise to 'save or create 3 million jobs.' And by 51%-43%, likely voters are more worried that the government will 'spend too much,' rather than 'fail to take strong action on important priorities.'
All-in-all, this is terrible news for Democrats. Carville and Greenberg confirm that across a range of issues, support for Democrats has fallen dramatically.