Monday, July 21, 2008

More G.W. Bush Lies...

G.W. Bush is a consummate liar--this is nothing new for him; he has a long established track record of lying and in GW's case the apple didn't fall far from the tree! I'll take this moment to address this big one involving Israel and several other closely related lies. G.W. Bush, trying to negotiate with terrorists is a "foolish delusion". The so called two state solution is itself a foolish delusion--that has never and will never bring peace to Israel! The so called two state solution for peace is itself a lie; this so called solution is a thinly veiled means to the destruction of Israel. In fact every attempt at a two state solution has greatly increased the terrorism in Israel. (The land of Israel belongs to Israel, no one else has any rightful claim to it. Genesis 13:14-15) When Israel first began there were no Arabs, infact historically the Arabs have had only a short time in Israel, while Israel's historical presence is thousands of years and still going. G.W. Bush has repeatedly opted to negotiate with terrorists, he recently stated while in Israel that appeasement of terrorists is wrong--so why is he appeasing the PLO and pushing Israel to do the same? The PLO aka The Palestinian Authority whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel--the same PLO who considers suicide murderers to be heroes. G.W. Bush also said, no nation should ever be forced to negotiate with terrorist killers pledged to its destruction. It has been the evil policies of G.W. Bush (or more appropriately the policies of those around him--but nevertheless he signed off on them and he is responsible.) that has put these hate filled terrorists into power and sustains them. The G.W. Bush organization has given the PLO millions and millions of dollars, has given them arms, has trained and is training them in weapons and tactics. And what have they done with these arms and training? They have murdered innocent Jewish Israelis on numerous occasions. If G.W. Bush truly believed its a "foolish delusion" trying to negotiate with terrorists--then he would never have started negotiating with the PLO and Mahmoud Abbas. And he wouldn't continue to insist on Israel making foolish concessions to those who are committed to killing Jews and to the destruction of Israel. But then again a fool knows what is right and does the wrong thing anyway; foolishness is a common thread running through G.W. Bush's character. No doubt Mahmoud Abbas and his cohort Abu Mosen have and are diverting millions of dollars into their personal accounts as did Yasser Arafat to an estimated one Billion dollars. These funds mostly come from the USA, with some smaller amounts from the EU and Arab nations and at least some of this was intended to help the people--but only a minuscule amount of all the monies have ever been used to help the people. Now let's take a closer look at the corrupt and incompetent hate filled leader of the PLO aka PA Mahmoud Abbas, he did his graduate work in Moscow, his PhD thesis was about holocaust denial--that in and of itself makes the thesis and his degree not even worth the paper they are printed on! Mahmoud Abbas admits to securing the funds for Yasser Arafat's Black September who in 1972 kidnapped and murdered 11 Israeli athlete's and one German Policeman in Munich Germany. Mahmoud Abbas hasn't changed for the better--he won't even recognize that Israel has the right to exist. In fact Mahmoud Abbas wouldn't even be in power if it weren't for the protection of the foolish and corrupt Israeli government. I think of all the foolish Americans who were foolishly self deluded into believing G.W. Bush was a good Christian man--and would be a good president--how pathetic! The writer of this blog was never fooled--I always knew he was an evil man and wouldn't be a good president. In fact G.W. Bush is undoubtedly the worst president The United States Of America has ever had (even wosre than Clinton)--and he most certainly is not a Christian! Mathew 7:16 You shall know them by their fruits...