Monday, July 28, 2008

Global Warming Part One

Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"--should be entitled "An Inconvenient Lie", because the so called science behind it is what is often known as junk, or pseudo science. The scenes of melting ice bergs in his movie were taken from the movie, "The Day After Tomorrow"--those scenes were computer generated. And let's not forget that they got it right in "The Day After Tomorrow", a warming period preceded an ice age! These fools who claim that man and increases in CO2 are the cause for global warming don't have a good answer for the fact that all the planets in our solar system have been heating up as well, yes and there is no man made industrialization and CO2 increases there--but it is in all truth the sun which is heating up those planets. And the sun also plays an important role to the recent heating trend on planet Earth; but that cycle has past and the Earth is getting cooler now. In all truth there have been many cycles of global warming and cooling on planet Earth prior to the year 1900 and those weren't caused by man made CO2 and industrialization. Man and CO2 are not the cause of global warming, or of climate change on planet Earth--climate change is a long established natural Earth cycle! In fact so called global warming would be accurately described as ocean warming--which actually leads to cooling trends in the Earth's climate--and that is exactly what is happening. So much in fact that the global warming fools have changed it to climate change so they can have it both ways. The Earth is past the warming of the 1990's and again is in a cooling cycle, a recent report from Germany states that the Earth is cooling and will do so for about 20 years. They are obviously right about the cooling--but they have no scientific basis to claim 20 years of cooling and then more warming--its just that they are a part of this cabal of GW fascists and this is their attempt at explaining away the fact of global cooling. This same fascist cabal put forth their doom and gloom of a coming ice age back in the seventies. How many people actually know this fact, very few because most people are led like sheep--they think what they are told to think on CNN and FOX et alia--how pathetic. From a scientific perspective these fascists should have stuck with the coming ice age because that is factual! Ice age doesn't mean everything is covered in ice--the last ice age the USA went through was known as the little ice age, it began around the year 1300 the coldest part being between the years 1650-1850. there certainly was an increase in ice but the USA wasn't covered over in ice as parts of it was during the great ice ages. So much Media attention is spent on indoctrinating the people with this mantra of GW; in addition the schools are also indoctrinating the students especially the younger ones into this religion of planet worship and GW--because they know if they can deceive the young ones into believing this evil nonsense it will be easier for them to continue with their fascist plans of global repression. If they can convince people into believing they are saving the planet from man made climate change--then it makes if very easy for the fascists to convince the people that they must give up their property rights and most of the liberties they as Americans have known--because its all to save the planet and the animals--when in reality its all about global repression,domination and population reduction. These fascists don't have these issues with most of the worlds people because most people have never known liberty, even Europeans have not known the level of personal liberty, property rights etcetera as Americans. Therefore most of the efforts of the fascists are directed against The United State's of America. How interesting it is when such things as these fascist conspiracies are spoken or written about, many people will look at the person in this case me as if they had a D**k growing out of there head! But everything I write about here I can substantiate with the words, the writings and the laws of the principles--and the laws they have drafted and gotten signed into law--the Anti American laws of repression. I'll digress here briefly and remind the readers that many things throughout human history those, who knew the truth were ridiculed, harassed and some times even murdered for the truth they spoke and wrote about. e.g. The Earth is flat--those who spoke the truth were harassed and some murdered! The Earth is the center of the universe, those who objected were harassed and some murdered! The Salem witch trials those who objected and tried to defend the accused were harassed and often accused of witchcraft themselves--and many murdered. The point of these examples is that even though many and in some cases the majority of people believe that something is true doesn't make it so. And many people are still believing erroneous things today even in The United States of America--things that are clearly wrong, things that are just as ridiculous as the flat Earth theory.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

On Taxation...

Taxes while unconstitutional--are necessary for The United States of America; but the manner in which taxation is handled here in America is Un-American! But proper taxation is key, the current system of taxation in America is a corrupt pathetic mess and can never be corrected within itself. Its interesting how, no matter how much money politicians steal from the American people--they still want more, such greed, such incompetence--and very often deliberate malfeasance at all levels of government. In short the idea of a consumption tax would be a very bad thing for America--and could easily ruin the economy even more than it is already ruined; in the future I expect to see a consumption tax implemented at least in some form here in America. The best way to manage this undesirable issue of taxation here in America is to use an across the board flat income tax rate regardless of income. The rate of taxation and total tax burden being 10% federal and 5% state with the same plan used for business, with an additional 5% of state tax being distributed among the municipalities. This would mean getting rid of the Un-American and fascist Federal Reserve--a private corporation that has always operated at the expense of the American people! With no taxation on personal (home) real estate including surrounding lands, no taxation on food and drugs, no taxation for fuel for personal and business use. This would mean cutting out all fat within government and concentrating on the basics--that being a limited government as envisioned by the founders of The United States of America. A government not of entitlements and irresponsibility--but of appropriate basic necessity. And yes with fiduciary responsibility--the rate of taxation proposed herein--would be more than enough! In fact getting back to basics with low taxes and limited government would yield a richer United Satates of America--and a much happier American people.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Moral Authority And Political Office

Political office has no inherent moral authority attached to it. Its mostly misguided and ignorant Christians and religious fools who think otherwise. Its the human being who has inherent moral authority--because man was created in the image of God. God being the moral authority--put some of that into his man creation. Even though most humans (95% +) are in these two categories, immoral and amoral. And 10% (approximately) of Christians being highly moral individuals; the rest are a mixture of somewhat moral and highly immoral individuals.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Barack Obama Lies--Yet Again Pt. 1

I've heard that Barack Obama has a new movement--this of course is rhetoric and propaganda packaged in pretty words. When I think of this so called new movement of his--I think of a bowel movement--and we all know what that means! In spite of all the media hype, in spite of the fact that large numbers of the media have their lips firmly planted upon Barack and Michelle Obama's asses, Barack Obama is very much the typical American politician. He as such can be expected to lie--and lie Barack Obama has, on numerous occasions he has proven himself to be a liar. Here are two recent examples, Speaking at AIPAC on June 4, 2008, Barack Obama said, "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided", I was skeptical when I heard this and in my skepticism--I was right! The next day, June 5, 2008, an advisor of Barack Obama said, "Jerusalem is a final status issue, which means it has to be negotiated between the two parties" as part of "an agreement that they both can live with." What status has to be negotiated? Israel was established a Jewish state thousands of years ago and Jerusalem was and is the capitol of Israel. And there were no Arabs around in Israel then--so how could it be their homeland? The final status of Israel and of Jerusalem is--they are uniquely Jewish--and shall always be so! And let's not forget--Barack Obama has numerous anti Israel and anti Jewish adviser's on his campaign staff! Mhm... And now the next lie of Barack Obama, He promised to abide by the federal spending limit--and now has reversed himself. How can Barack Obama stop the smears when he himself is smearing himself?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Dick" Cheney And Gun Control

On February 13, 2006 at aproximately 17:30 hours Richard "Dick" Cheney while Quail hunting shot his 78 year old hunting companion in the face and chest/heart, supposedly at a distance of thirty yards. There are unsubstantiated claims that Richard "Dick" Cheney was drunk--but I cannot confirm these claims. The media labeled this as an accident. But truthfully there are no accidents in life--there are unintended results of actions certain people do--but no true accidents. When a man in this case Richard "Dick" Cheney aims and fires a loaded gun these are deliberate actions by an irresponsible man. Its true the results of Richard "Dick" Cheney's irresponsible handling of a firearm were unintended--but they were deliberate actions and no accident. Labeling it an accident when it clearly was not--lessens the responsibliity of Richard "Dick" Cheney-which is very typical of peole in this society to lessen the responsibility or criminals and of people in general. If this had been the average citizen hunter who had been so recklessly irresponsible--they would have been arrested and charged with a crime. But Richard "Dick" Cheney has set himself above the law--and in fact he is above the law--but not rightly so! The writter of this blog has been a gun enthusiast since childhood (even though neither of my parents owned or used guns) and has used guns since he was 14 years old. I started with a .22 rifle and a 12 gauge magnum hunting birds and other small game. I am now a gun owner and have a CCW and its common for me to go about my life with one of my many handguns strapped under my shoulder, or on my hip. So when it comes to gun safety I know of what I write and speak about--I have a long history with firearms--and a long history of using firearms safely. Its no accident when a man as myself uses firearms without injuring anyone--and its no accident when a man like Richard "Dick" Cheney uses a firearm and grieveously injures a hunting companion. Richard "Dick" Cheney should have been arrested and charged at the least--as he has proven himself far too irresponsible to own and use any kind of firearm. People like Richard "Dick" Cheney are the people who should not be allowed to own firearms--not responsible people like myself who use firearms responsibly!

Monday, July 21, 2008

More G.W. Bush Lies...

G.W. Bush is a consummate liar--this is nothing new for him; he has a long established track record of lying and in GW's case the apple didn't fall far from the tree! I'll take this moment to address this big one involving Israel and several other closely related lies. G.W. Bush, trying to negotiate with terrorists is a "foolish delusion". The so called two state solution is itself a foolish delusion--that has never and will never bring peace to Israel! The so called two state solution for peace is itself a lie; this so called solution is a thinly veiled means to the destruction of Israel. In fact every attempt at a two state solution has greatly increased the terrorism in Israel. (The land of Israel belongs to Israel, no one else has any rightful claim to it. Genesis 13:14-15) When Israel first began there were no Arabs, infact historically the Arabs have had only a short time in Israel, while Israel's historical presence is thousands of years and still going. G.W. Bush has repeatedly opted to negotiate with terrorists, he recently stated while in Israel that appeasement of terrorists is wrong--so why is he appeasing the PLO and pushing Israel to do the same? The PLO aka The Palestinian Authority whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel--the same PLO who considers suicide murderers to be heroes. G.W. Bush also said, no nation should ever be forced to negotiate with terrorist killers pledged to its destruction. It has been the evil policies of G.W. Bush (or more appropriately the policies of those around him--but nevertheless he signed off on them and he is responsible.) that has put these hate filled terrorists into power and sustains them. The G.W. Bush organization has given the PLO millions and millions of dollars, has given them arms, has trained and is training them in weapons and tactics. And what have they done with these arms and training? They have murdered innocent Jewish Israelis on numerous occasions. If G.W. Bush truly believed its a "foolish delusion" trying to negotiate with terrorists--then he would never have started negotiating with the PLO and Mahmoud Abbas. And he wouldn't continue to insist on Israel making foolish concessions to those who are committed to killing Jews and to the destruction of Israel. But then again a fool knows what is right and does the wrong thing anyway; foolishness is a common thread running through G.W. Bush's character. No doubt Mahmoud Abbas and his cohort Abu Mosen have and are diverting millions of dollars into their personal accounts as did Yasser Arafat to an estimated one Billion dollars. These funds mostly come from the USA, with some smaller amounts from the EU and Arab nations and at least some of this was intended to help the people--but only a minuscule amount of all the monies have ever been used to help the people. Now let's take a closer look at the corrupt and incompetent hate filled leader of the PLO aka PA Mahmoud Abbas, he did his graduate work in Moscow, his PhD thesis was about holocaust denial--that in and of itself makes the thesis and his degree not even worth the paper they are printed on! Mahmoud Abbas admits to securing the funds for Yasser Arafat's Black September who in 1972 kidnapped and murdered 11 Israeli athlete's and one German Policeman in Munich Germany. Mahmoud Abbas hasn't changed for the better--he won't even recognize that Israel has the right to exist. In fact Mahmoud Abbas wouldn't even be in power if it weren't for the protection of the foolish and corrupt Israeli government. I think of all the foolish Americans who were foolishly self deluded into believing G.W. Bush was a good Christian man--and would be a good president--how pathetic! The writer of this blog was never fooled--I always knew he was an evil man and wouldn't be a good president. In fact G.W. Bush is undoubtedly the worst president The United States Of America has ever had (even wosre than Clinton)--and he most certainly is not a Christian! Mathew 7:16 You shall know them by their fruits...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ethanol And Hunger

There is in general no food shortage in the world. There is a distribution problem--and there is on a country by country basis local production problems caused by corrupt, incompetent and immoral people which is where the politicians come from--and of course they make things worse. The very notion that the Corn produced in the USA (23% being diverted to Ethanol production) is the cause of people going hungry is ludicrous. Even though the USA has produced the food which has fed much of the world for many decades--farmers in the USA who divert their Corn crops toward Ethanol production are in no way responsible for hunger issues elsewhere. The nonsensical belief that Corn being diverted toward ethanol production in the USA presumes that there is no other food but Corn--when in fact there are numerous other foods available and in good supply. It also does not take into account the fact that USA production of corn was increased and there was in fact a huge surplus. It also does not take into account the fact of commodity speculation which has greatly increased the cost of corn and the higher cost of oil also is the cause of rising food prices. The food is available--but unaffordable for many, a fine example of this being Egypt. Each country is completely responsible for either feeding their own people or not--this responsibility is not that of the American people, or that of any other first world nation! When I first heard this ill advised idea of producing ethanol from Corn I knew it wouldn't work, its inefficient and costs a lot more than its worth to produce Ethanol this way--its foolish to use a food crop for fuel production when its not absolutely necessary. In fact its so inefficient that the federal government is subsidizing it by 51 cents a gallon and is imposing a 54 cent tariff on ethanol imports; it costs $1.25 a gallon to produce one $1.00 of Ethanol here in the USA--business which needs subsidies and tariffs and can't stand on its own isn't a business anyone should be involved in. Ethanol could easily be a $1.00 to $2.00 retail a gallon alternative for gasoline--but from non food plant sources, e.g. Switch grass, Sugarcane, farm stubble, sweet Sorgrum, cattails, trash Et cetera. Sugarcane yields approximately 800 gallons of ethanol per acre and corn yields approximately 328 gallons of ethanol per acre. Sugarcane produces 8 units of energy output for each 1 unit of energy input; and corn produces approximately 1.3 units of energy output for each 1 unit of energy input. One advantage of using corn (the only one I know of is) what's left over from the processing is high quality animal food. It takes 53,000 BTU's of energy to convert one bushel of corn which is 56 lbs into 2.8 gallons of Ethanol--most of the new ethanol plants use coal to produce this energy--of course the USDA supports this waste of food and fuel--because the head of the USDA is a G.W. Bush appointee. If the G.W. Bush organization were truly serious about using Ethanol to fuel automobiles they would at the least insist on flex fuel only. Flex fuel only could easily be accomplished by the manufactures within one year. Automobiles for the American market. Brazil is fuel independent they produce their own fuel and seventy five percent of their automobiles are flex fuel meaning they can run on pure clean alcohol or on petroleum and alcohol mixture. I knew it was the Bush organization who was placating special interest groups(more corruption)--and pretending to want to do something about the dependency on oil issues--without actually doing anything which would truly help--because they like the way things are with oil and the ever increasing prices. Let's not forget G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney are heavily invested in oil; and have repeatedly chosen their own special interests and those of their cronies over the best interests of the American people. The Energy Independence and Security Act that G.W. Bush signed December 19, 2007, decreed biofuel production increases from 7.5 billion gallons in 2012 to 36 billion in 2022. More cronyism from the G.W. Bush organization, the American peoples tax dollars at work. Isn't this wonderful.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Economy And Barack Obama

First, Its ridiculous that so many in government and elsewhere in society are still vacillating over whether the economy is in a recession, well as of this date the economy of The United States of America has been in a depression for over two years; simply put the economy is a wreck--and this is directly due to the corrupt policies of the G.W. Bush organization! Of course many UN-American Republicans won't speak honestly about it because they don't want to say anything negative about the current administration. The economy is even more of a wreck than it was during the Reagan administration; for those who should know but don't, when Ronald Reagan took office in 1981 the United States was the biggest creditor nation in the world and when Ronald Reagan left office in 1989--the United States was the biggest debtor nation in the world! Many people, mainly the upper classes liked Reaganomics--simply because the corruptness and incompetence made it possible for them to make tremendous amounts of money. Money that to a large extent was generated at the expense of America and the middle and lower classes. Unemployment was high, many businesses left operations in America for foreign lands, a huge deindustrialization ensued, Reaganomics was a disaster, for the economy, for the environment and for the American people! Just look at what happens every time a Republican is president, they run up massive debt, gas prices go up--and the last three Republican presidents have started wars that were unnecessary. Republicans like Democrats are very much in favor of big government, albeit they go about it in somewhat different ways. Many people think that if consumer spending is high--then its a good economy; but this ignorant and foolish notion is incorrect. Like now, large numbers of the American people are in debt--they like the US government are borrowing for everything they purchase, basically its two types of people who believe that being in debt makes for a good economy--ignorant people and fools! At present under the G.W. Bush organization, over one billion dollars each day is borrowed from China and other nations. And that in no way makes for a good economy! Now Barack Obama--who fortunately is not the president at this moment! Wants to increase government even more and turn The United States of America into even more of a nanny state (socialism run amuck) and admittedly will not even try to balance the budget (because it would hurt)--but this nonsensical belief that correcting the excesses of the G.W. Bush administration and other previous administrations would be too hard on the American people--is a false option--and the fact that Barack Obama would think this way, yet again shows his profound lack of understanding and poor judgement. There is so much waste within American government that it would be easy to balance the budget and not hurt Americans--but the UN-American socialist Barack Obama would never think to do this. So he has no plans to balance the budget and instead of being responsible he wants to impose much higher taxes upon the American people. Its true the trickle down theory very popular with the Republicans for the most doesn't work; and it can't be expected that giving a wealthy person a tax break will somehow trickle down to the middle and lower classes. What will work in the trickle down theory is when businesses of all types, big and small get significant tax breaks! Barack Obama also won't correctly deal with the illegal Mexican problem, a problem which is dragging down the American economy and is costing American citizens their jobs and a lot more besides. Its true illegal Mexicans add billions to the American economy--but they cost billions more than they contribute! In addition to this--many bring tremendous quantities of drugs with them and much more crime, rapes and murders Et cetra. These illegal Mexicans (even if they were legalized) are mostly neither good for the economy nor are they good for America!

Barack Obama--A Closer Look Part One

On May 31, 2008 Barack Obama resigned from his church of twenty years, Trinity United Church of Christ. But why did he take so long to resign (twenty years), if he truly did not/does not agree with the hate, divisiveness and derisiveness preached at his former church? Its obvious why he waited so long before he denounced Jeremiah Wright, he said Jeremiah Wright was someone he considered a friend and spiritual mentor. What a mentor--this is the kind of man Barack Obama looks to for advice! Barack Obama said "I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday"--the spectacle being Jeremiah Wright's rant. He wasn't so outraged that he stopped supporting the church--in fact he has given tens of thousands of dollars in support of Trinity United Church of Christ, over $22,000 in 2006 and over $27,000 in 2007. Barack Obama was witness to many such performances over the years--staying at the least shows poor judgement and a lack of wisdom; staying at the most is a strong indicator that he agreed with what he heard Jeremiah Wright preach! Barack Obama's long delayed grudging denouncement of Jeremiah Wright and his long delayed grudging resignation from Trinity United Church of Christ has been out of political necessity; if he were not running for the office of the president he would still be a supporting member of the church as he was for twenty years. Jeremiah Wright has a decidedly anti Christian message--a message against white people, against Israel, against Jewish people, against The United States of America--and pro Arab (Hamas) terrorist! Jeremiah Wright blames the woes of Negro people in America on white people--when in fact the woes of most Negro people in America are caused by Negro's themselves--and until they (Negro people) wise up and place blame where it truly belongs--things will not get better for them but worse! But this is not the only place where Barack Obama has shown poor judgement and a lack of wisdom; Barack Obama has a lengthy history of associations with people of ill repute e.g. Bill Ayres an admitted terrorist bomber, Rashid Khalidi a PLO terrorist supporter and activist. Samantha Power, an advisor who advocates the end of USA aid to Israel. His national co chairman General Merrill McPeak retired, blames the Jews of NY and Miami for the USA foreign policy in favor of Israel--as if Jews are the only people in The United States of America who love and support Israel. Barack Obama has a poor record toward Israel--he was against the security fence which protects Israelis from suicide bombers and other acts of terrorism. (Since the fence went up--the number of murders and other terrorist attacks against Jews have markedly decreased!) He will not label the Iranian Guard a terrorist entity, he believes in "talking" to the terrorist government of Iran without any preconditions, not even the end of their nuclear weapons program, that this is the way to solve the Iranian problem. Only a fool would believe that talking is an option when dealing with a terrorist government who has openly declared on many occasions that they will not rest until Israel is wiped off the face of the Earth--and who are working toward that end with missile delivery systems and a nuclear weapons program. And who are the major reason for unrest in the middle east and major cause of terrorism in Iraq due to their state sponsored terrorism! Why has Barack Obama surrounded himself with so many people who are anti Israel--when there are many within the Democratic Party who support Israel? And let's not forget James Baker III a man vehemently anti Israel--Barack Obama thinks it would be a good idea to send him to negotiate with the Arab terrorists (PLO) in Israel. Barack Obama also likes Chuck Hagel another anti Israel fool. On both sides of the isle Barack Obama reaches out to people who are anti Israel. Barack Obama is not a friend of Israel--he would be even worse than G.W. Bush has been toward Israel! And that means more trouble for The United States of America. In conclusion, I can easily see that Barack Obama is a personable and likable man; and I was immediately attracted to his style of speaking and to some of the good things he says he wants to do! The good things Barack Obama says he wants to do--are truly good; but there are things he says and other things he does not say which are not good and in fact Un-American--its these which make him the wrong man for the office of the president, as well as the other things written in this blog.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The American President

I have heard some foolish people say "its time for a negro president"--this of course is ridiculous--race is not the issue! The United States of America does not and has never needed a negro president, or a Mexican, or an Asian president. The same is also true of a woman president--gender is not the issue! What the United States of America needs is a man or a woman (race is irrelevant) who will uphold the constitution as the founders wrote and intended it to be upheld and who will uphold the rule of just American laws. Neither Barack Obama nor the power hungry Hillary Clinton are those people.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Barack Obama A Muslim?

Is Barack Obama a Muslim? The idea that he refused to place his hand on the Bible for his swearing in as Senator of Illinois is mistakenly believed by many to be true; and no doubt this same lie has been deliberately perpetuated by others who have an agenda against Barack Obama. The latter would be in a better position to refute his claims of being the right man for the Office of the President by using the truth--and there are many truths which completely disqualify Barack Obama from being the right man for President of The United States of America! Barack Obama did in fact on January 24, 2005 place his hand on his copy of the Bible, for his swearing in as Senator of the State of Illinois which Dick Cheney presided over. However the fact that a man places his hand upon the Bible for a swearing in--in no way qualifies him as a Christian. Many people who claim to be Christians--are not true Christians, Matthew 7:21-23. It has become a pathetic phenomena in American politics, that politicians especially Republicans will claim to be Christians all for the purpose of political gain. Its rare to find a true Christian in high (or low) political office in America. That said the idea that a Christian is going to be a good politician or leader is rarely true. Or if Barack Obama is a true Christian that fact in no way necessarily means he is seriously devoted to living in accordance with the teachings outlined within the Bible (in fact most true Christians are not seriously devoted to anything involving God.) I have seen no evidence that Barack Obama is a Muslim--nor have I seen any evidence that he is a Christian. (It was Keith Ellison Muslim congressman of MN who was sworn into office with his hand on a Koran.)