Sunday, September 18, 2011

Attack Watch Obama A Friend To Israel

Barack Obama on his new propaganda website claims to be a friend to Israel and as so called proof he lists two Israeli Jews who agree with him, namely Ehud Barak a Marxist and self hating Jew--with the blood of many innocent Jews on his hands--and Shimon Peres also a Marxist like Barack Obama and a self hating Jew--also with the blood of many innocent Jews on his hands. Rather than proving Barack Obama is a friend to Israel--these two endorsements are more proof of Barack Obama's extreme hatred of Jewish people and of Israel! In fact I have previously listed many of Barack Obama's extreme evils against Israel in these blogs; Barack Obama's record is factually clear--Barack Obama hates Israel and Jews.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The One Term President

Like Jimmy Carter [the second worst president]--Barack Hussein Obama--is in fact a one term president! But we good Americans must keep the fire to the asses of all Marxist politicians in order to ensure this victory for The United States of America. The American people have already virtually fired Barack Obama--and if he doesn't quit--the American people will finish the job; Mr. de facto president Obama--you're fired! I have real hope in this impending change! All together now and sing it loud--hit the road Barack and don't you come back no more no more no more no more--hit the road Barack and don't you come back no more, what you say? hit the road Barack and don't you come back no more no more no more no more, hit the road Barack and don't you come back no more...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Obama Economic Stimulus--Jobs Bill

Oh yes, any new "stimulus" will have the net effect of accomplishing the same result as the first two so called but not stimulus bills--fewer non government jobs, higher inflation, lowered standard of living, et cetera; Barack Obama, his commissars and most of the others he has surrounded himself with--never had the genuine intention of actually helping the American people and the American nation--with any of the so called but not stimulus bills--these so called but not stimulus bills were intended to enhance the democrat party, i.e., the American communist party infrastructure--to further and fund their evil Marxist objectives in perpetuity. Barack Obama--by his own admission came to destroy--and destroy he has! How's this hope and change working out for you now? hmm?