Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oliver Stone And The Jewish Media

The Jewish leftist Oliver Stone--says Jews control the media for the benefit of Israel; the truth is somewhat different than the anti Semitic leftist viewpoint. [Here we have another case of a self hating, God hating, USA hating Jew--Oliver Stone.] While it is true that there are many Jews in the American media and their Jewish conspirators in government do have a lot of control; they for the most part are not in support of Israel or of The United States of America--in fact they for the most part are extremely anti Israel, anti American--pro Arab--pro Muslim. The self hating, God hating Jewish media are big proponents of and go out of their way to push the homosexual agenda, to promote Muslim extremism and hatred of and toward Israel and hatred of and toward The United States of America and Christians. They are doing everything in their power to undermine The United States of America and everything which has made this nation the greatest nation in the history of the world. They are also doing everything in their power to undermine the legitimacy of Israel. Oliver Stone went on to defend Adolph Hitler, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and praised Hugo Chavez and Josef Stalin. Oliver Stone is a fool--he has gone whoring after leftist insanity! Any intelligent and honest person who takes an objective look at the American media coverage can readily see this reality.